Smart Solutions for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Improvement

Reduce energy consumption, improve well-being in the work environment and achieve valuable certifications by guaranteeing indoor air quality with inBiot.

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"Indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air."

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

We help you to know all the key elements:

With indicators that provide a clear and visual score of air quality conditions.

Icono del Indocador de confort térmico en interiores de inBiot.

It allows you to easily and objectively identify the optimal temperature and humidity ranges, helping you to save energy and maintain an ideal comfort environment.

Thermohygrometric Comfort

Icono del indicador de la eficacia de la ventilación en interiores de inBiot.

It indicates in real time the ventilation efficiency so that you can optimize your systems and ensure a healthy space.

Ventilation Efficiency

What it means

For the People

Create healthy spaces for the well-being and comfort of your clientele and staff, guaranteeing their peace of mind and satisfaction.

For your Business

Increase the productivity of your staff, improve your company's reputation and save on energy consumption.

For the Planet

Optimizes ventilation and air conditioning systems for energy efficiency and sustainability.

For the people

Create healthy spaces for the well-being and comfort of your clientele and staff, guaranteeing their peace of mind and satisfaction.

For your business

Increase the productivity of your staff, improve your company's reputation and save on energy consumption.

For the planet

Optimizes ventilation and air conditioning systems for energy efficiency and sustainability.

Efficient measurement tailored to your needs

Our wide range of MICA devices continuously and reliably measure key indoor air quality parameters, with multiple connectivity and integration options.

Connect MICA seamlessly to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi networks for fast and stable data transfers. Forget about cables and collect data continuously, easily storing it in the cloud.

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Discover the efficiency of NB-IoT and LTE-M connectivity with SIM card. Connect MICA to the cloud easily, securely and automatically, simplifying the management of your projects.

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Integrate your device into your LoRaWAN network and send data directly to your server. Provides reliable connectivity in remote areas, simplifying data collection for efficient monitoring.

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Easily integrate your device into the Sigfox global network, sending data efficiently. Wide coverage and low power solution for hassle-free monitoring.

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It offers maximum security and robustness to the installation thanks to Modbus RTU (RS485 serial protocol) wired communication or saves time and reduces installation costs with Modbus TCP/IP wireless communication.

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Simplifies integration into building automation systems with the BACNet/IP protocol, enabling efficient and flexible communication over the local network to control systems such as HVAC and lighting.

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More than air monitoring

My inBiot turns data into useful information to optimize your building systems, reduce energy consumption and ensure the health and well-being of your staff and clientele.


Certifications at your fingertips

Earn points for wellness and sustainability certifications such as WELL, LEED, BREEAM and RESET, increasing the value of your building and the prestige of your brand.


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