Technical Support

Configure your MICA, download manuals and watch tutorials to get the most out of your air quality data.

inBiot Setup App

app store link
google play link
MICA Lite, dispositivo de monitorización de calidad de aire interiorMICA, dispositivo de monitorización de calidad de aire interior.

Video tutorial


I can't connect to Wi-Fi

Check that there is a good Wi-Fi signal strength. Check that the Wi-Fi password is correct.
Check that it is connected to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi.
Check that you do not have firewall and gateway measures in your company, this may be preventing it from connecting. If so, contact our support team.

What does the flashing blue light indicate?

The blue light flashing indicates that the MICA device is in configuration mode. If this status is displayed when disconnecting and reconnecting the device, the MICA needs to be reconfigured.

What does the green light indicate after setup?

The green light indicates that the MICA has connected to the Wi-Fi network correctly. The next step is to add it to the My inBiot platform following the steps in the video tutorial.

¿Qué indica la luz roja tras la configuración?

La luz roja indica que el dispositivo no se ha conectado correctamente a la red Wi-Fi. Repite el proceso de configuración y asegúrate de que no tienes Firewall ni pasarelas de seguridad en la red. En caso de que las tengas, contacta con nuestro equipo de soporte .
Comprueba que la contraseña introducida se corresponde a la de tu red Wi-Fi.

When I register the MICA I get the message: “We have not found a sensor that matches the sensor ID you entered. Make sure the sensor ID is correct.”

Make sure you have properly configured the device and entered the password for the linked Wi-Fi network.
Check the device ID. Make sure you do not have firewall and gateway measures in place at your company. If you do, please contact our support team.

I can't access the address in the browser

Make sure the MICA is blinking blue (Access Point).
Make sure you are connected to the Wi-Fi network generated by the MICA device.
Enter from the browser in the URL. Do not use the search widget to enter it.


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