MICA has a TVOC sensor that provides relative measurements. In the same way, the specifications are detailed in units of the TVOC Index, with an accuracy of ± 15 Index points or ± 15% of the measured value, whichever is greater, for the entire set of VOCs. For its part, WELL requires minimum sensor requirements and an accuracy of ± (20 μg/m3 + 15% m.v.) in the range of 1 to 500 μg/m3. In order to ensure compliance with WELL requirements with the MICA relative measurement sensor, the characteristics of the sensor and its behavior against concentrations of the specific WELL gas, which is actually a mixture of gases called Mølhave, are studied[1].
This study results in an accuracy of ± 10 Index points in the range of 1 to 500 μg/m3 for the MICA sensor.
Esta precisión en unidades relativas se convierte a unidades de concentración de masa por medio de la fórmula de conversión de Index Points del sensor y de las relaciones de conversión, así como se detalla a continuación.
Así, tras aplicar las conversiones correspondientes, se obtiene la siguiente representación gráfica del error frente a la concentración en µg/m³, donde se observa que el sensor del MICA cumple con los requisitos de precisión de WELL.
[1] Mølhave, L., Clausen, G., Berglund, B., De Ceaurriz, J., Kettrup, A., Lindvall, T., Maroni, M., Pickering, A.C., Risse, U., Rothweiler, H., Seifert, B. and Younes, M. (1997), Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) in Indoor Air Quality Investigations†. Indoor Air, 7:225-240.